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上一条:青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院 院长助理岗位聘用通知 下一条:青岛理工大学市北校区2018春季毕业生双选会邀请函

发布人:童力     时间:2018-05-15

201842日,在校园网上发布欧盟Erasmus项目“Water Harmony2018年青岛暑期课程班学生选拔通知后,水和谐项目组共收到10份报名申请。在进行资格审查后,水和谐项目组于201858日下午4:00在科技楼910办公室对申请者进行了集中面试。


1. 自我介绍(占总成绩20%

2. 专业英语翻译(占总成绩30%

3. 话题答辩(占总成绩50%



Result of the participant selection for 2018 Qingdao Summer school of EU Water Harmony Erasmus + project

After the notification of “Participant selection for 2018 Qingdao Summer school ofEU Water Harmony Erasmus + project” was issued on webpage on 2nd, April, 2018.Ten candidates submitted the application. After qualification, an interview was conducted in Office 910, Science and Technology Buildingat 4:00pmon May 8th, 2018 by the Water Harmony Erasmus + project team.

The interview consisted of three stepsall in English:

1. Self-Introduction (accounts for 20% of the overall score)

2. ESP translation (accounts for 30% of the overall score)

3. Topic oral presentation (accounts for 50% of the overall score)

Firstly, the interviewees drew lots to determine the interviewsequence. Then, they expressed their opinions on Water quality, Water crisis, Water reuse and Wastewater treatment, etc. After three hours of interview and calculated the final score, the project team decided to recommend two students: Jianing Zhang and Yue Yin, who passed the qualification and got the highest score in the interview to attend the summer school representing Qingdao University of Technology. We hope that other students will continue to make efforts and we will provide students with more opportunities for international exchange.

Official websiteofEU Water Harmony Erasmus + project:


2019-2023 青岛理工大学环境与市政程学院 版权所有

地址:青岛市黄岛区嘉陵江路777号  邮编:266520  电话:0532-85071262