Université Paris-Est,访问学者,2018/03-2019/03 合作导师Prof. Mehmet A. Oturan
工业水污染控制团队负责人,主要研究方向为电化学工业水处理技术,高级氧化技术以及重金属污染修复等。目前在工程领域Environ Sci Technol,Water Res.,Appl Catal B-Environ等SCI期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文四十余篇,其中综述论文2篇,英文著作1部(章节),申请、授权发明专利30余项,5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,1篇热点论文,一篇论文入选“2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,主持国家级、省部级等项目十余项。获得山东省优秀博士学位论文,教育部技术发明奖二等奖、山东省科技进步奖二等奖各一项。
(1) Jianan Gao, Ning Shi, Yifan Li, Bo Jiang*, Taha Marhaba, Wen Zhang*, Electrocatalytic Upcycling of Nitrate Wastewater to Ammonia Fertilizer via Electrified Membrane, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, online
(2) Huiji Xiao, Wei Yan, Zekun Zhao, Yizhen Tang, Yifan Li, Qipeng Yang, Siyi Luo, Bo Jiang, Chlorate induced false reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) based on standard dichromate method: Countermeasure and mechanism, Water Research 221 (2022) 118732
(3) Chao Li, Juntao Zhu, Zekun Zhao, Juan Wang, Qipeng Yang, Haofen Sun, Bo Jiang*, An efficient and robust flow-through electrochemical Ti4O7 membrane system for simultaneous Cr(VI) reduction and Cr immobilization with membrane cleaning by a periodic polarity reversal strategy, Separation and Purification Technology 297 (2022) 121424
(4) Yijie Liu, Qinghe Niu, Juntao Zhu, Yifan Li, Haofen Sun, Bo Jiang*, Efficient and green water softening by integrating electrochemically accelerated precipitation and microfiltration with membrane cleaning by periodically anodic polarization, Chemical Engineering Journal 449 (2022) 137832
(5) Xianzhe Meng, Kai Li, Zekun Zhao, Yifan Li, Qipeng Yang, Bo Jiang*, A pH self-regulated three-dimensional electro-Fenton system with a bifunctional Fe-Cu-C particle electrode: High degradation performance, wide working pH and good anti-scaling ability, Separation and Purification Technology 298 (2022) 121672
(6) Jianan Gao, Xianzhe Meng, Qinghe Niu, Yifan Li, Xuejun Bi, Yuanfeng Qi, Jing Guan, Bo Jiang*, Electrochemically selective ammonia extraction from nitrate by coupling electron- and phase-transfer reactions at a three-phase interface, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 10684−10694.
(7) Congcong Ni, Yifan Li, Xianzhe Meng, Shuliang Liu, Siyi Luo, Jing Guan, Bo Jiang*, Synergistic role of electron-trapped oxygen vacancy and exposed TiO2 [001] facets toward electrochemical p-nitrophenol reduction: Characterization, performance and mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal 411 (2021) 128485
(8) Xuchen Ba, Zekun Zhao, Wei Yan, Jianan Gao, Juan Wang, Yifan Li, Yijie Liu,Bo Jiang*, The oxidative immobilization of phosphonate by simulated solar light mediated peroxi-coagulation process sustained by the iron-air fuel cell, Separation and Purification Technology 276 (2021) 119378
(9) Qi Zhang, Xuchen Ba, Shuliang Liu, Yifan Li, Limin Cai, Haofen Sun, Bo Jiang*, Synchronous anodic oxidation-cathodic precipitation strategy for efficient phosphonate wastes mineralization and recovery of phosphorus in the form of hydroxyapatite, Separation and Purification Technology 272 (2021) 118895
(10) Yanan Ning, Kai Li, Zekun Zhao, Dong Chen*, Yifan Li, Yijie Liu, Qipeng Yang, Bo Jiang, Simultaneous electrochemical degradation of organophosphorus pesticides and recovery of phosphorus: Synergistic effect of anodic oxidation and cathodic precipitation, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 125 (2021) 267-275
(11) Jingru Wang, Xuchen Ba, Zekun Zhao, Juan Wang, Qipeng Yang, Yijie Liu, and Jiang Bo, Environmentally Friendly Fabrication of Ti/RuO2-IrO2-SnO2-Sb2O5 Anode with In Situ Incorporation of Reduced TiO2 Interlayer, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 053502
(12) Bo Jiang*, Qinghe Niu, Chao Li, Nihal Oturan, Mehmet A. Oturan, Outstanding performance of electro-Fenton process for efficient decontamination of Cr(III) complexes via alkaline precipitation with no accumulation of Cr(VI): Important roles of iron species, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 272 (2020) 119002
(13) Congcong Ni, Jingru Wang, Yuxin Guan, Bo Jiang*, Xianzhe Meng, Siyi Luo, Siyao Guo, Lifeng Wang, Self-powered peroxi-coagulation for the efficient removal of p-arsanilic acid: pH-dependent shift in the contributions of peroxidation and electrocoagulation, Chemical Engineering Journal 391 (2020) 123495
(14) Jianan Gao, Bo Jiang*, Congcong Ni, Yuanfeng Qi, Xuejun Bi, Enhanced reduction of nitrate by noble metal-free electrocatalysis on P doped three-dimensional Co3O4 cathode: Mechanism exploration from both experimental and DFT studies, Chemical Engineering Journal 382 (2020) 123034
(15) Congcong Ni, Jingru Wang, Yuxin Guan, Bo Jiang, Xianzhe Meng, Siyi Luo, Siyao Guo, LifengWang*, Self-powered peroxi-coagulation for the efficient removal of p-arsanilic acid: pH-dependent shift in the contributions of peroxidation and electrocoagulation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 391, 123495
(16) Jianan Gao, Bo Jiang*, Congcong Ni, etc. Non-precious Co3O4-TiO2/Ti cathode based electrocatalytic nitrate reduction: Preparation, performance and mechanism, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 254 (2019) 391-402
(17) Bo Jiang*, Yifan Gong, Jianan Gao, etc, The reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) mediated by environmentally relevant carboxylic acids: State-of-the-art and perspectives, Journal of Hazardous Materials 365 (2019) 205–226
(18) Shuaishuai Xin, Congcong Nin, Yifan Gong, Jiping Ma, Xuejun Bi, Bo Jiang*, A full-wave rectified alternating current wireless electrocoagulation strategy for the oxidative remediation of As(III) in simulated anoxic groundwater, Chemical Engineering Journal 351 (2018) 1047–1055
(19) Bo Jiang*, Shuaishuai Xin, Yijie Liu, etc, The role of thiocyanate in enhancing the process of sulfite reducing Cr(VI) by inhibiting the formation of reactive oxygen species, Journal of Hazardous Materials 343 (2018) 1–9
(20) Haihong He, Bo Jiang*, Jingjing Yuan, etc, Cost-effective electrogeneration of H2O2 utilizing HNO3 modified graphite/ polytetrafluoroethylene cathode with exterior hydrophobic film, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 533 (2019) 471–480
(17) Bo Jiang*, Shuaishuai Xin, Li Gao, etc, Dramatically enhanced aerobic Cr(VI) reduction with scrap zero-valent aluminum induced by oxalate, Chemical Engineering Journal 308 (2017) 588–596
(18) Bo Jiang, Yukun Liu, Jingtang Zheng, etc. Synergetic Transformations of Multiple Pollutants Driven by Cr(VI)−Sulfite Reactions. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 12363–12371
(19) Bo Jiang, Xianli Wang, Yukun Liu, etc. The roles of polycarboxylates in Cr(VI)/sulfite reaction system: Involvement of reactive oxiditive radicals and intramolecular electron transfer. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304 (2016) 457–466
(20) Bo Jiang, Jingtang Zheng, Shi Qiu, etc, Review on electrical discharge plasma technology for wastewater remediation, Chemical Engineering Journal 236 (2014) 348–368注:“2014年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”