1. 污水处理及资源化;2. 膜技术应用及污染控制。
1. 国家科技重大专项子任务-再生水微量污染物低压反渗透膜处理技术研究(2017ZX07101002-06)。(主持)
2. 山东省自然科学基金博士基金-新型振动膜技术过滤回收小球藻过程中膜污染控制及机理研究(ZR2019BEE028)。(主持)
3. 青岛理工大学优秀青年博士基金-市政污水处理与资源化微藻培养耦合技术的研究(QUTSEME201913)。(主持)
4. 国家科技支撑计划项目-村镇饮用水净化处理工艺材料及设备开发(2012BAJ25B02)。(主要研究人员)
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目-废水培养小球藻系统中硅藻土预涂膜藻分离浓缩特性及EOM膜污染机理(51478324)。(主要研究人员)
6. 上海市“优秀学术带头人”项目-废水微藻资源化处理过程中动态膜分离特性和调控(14XD1403700)。(主要研究人员)
教育背景 2013.09~2017.07. 博士 同济大学 环境科学与工程学院 环境工程 2010.09~2012.12 硕士 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院 市政工程 2006.09~2010.06 学士 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院 给水排水工程 |
2017.07-至今 青岛理工大学
1. Zhao, F., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Chu, H., Jiang, S., Yu, Z., Zhou, X., & Zhang, Y. (2019). The comparison between vibration and aeration on the membrane performance in algae harvesting. Journal of Membrane Science, 117390. (JCR一区)
2. Zhao, F., Zhang Y., Chu, H., Jiang, S., Yu, Z., Wang, M., Zhou, X., & Zhao, J. (2018). A uniform shearing vibration membrane system reducing membrane fouling in algae harvesting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 1026-1033. (JCR一区)
3. Zhao, F., Chu, H., Zhang, Y., Jiang, S., Yu, Z., Zhou, X., & Zhao, J. (2017). Increasing the vibration frequency to mitigate reversible and irreversible membrane fouling using an axial vibration membrane in microalgae harvesting, Journal of Membrane Science, 529, 215-223. (JCR一区)
4. Zhao, F., Chu, H., Jiang, S., Yu, Z., Zhao, X., Zhou, X., & Zhang, Y., (2017). The filtration and fouling performance of membranes with different pore sizes in algae harvesting. Science of the Total Environment, 587-588C, 87-93. (JCR一区)
5. Zhao, F., Chu, H., Su, Y., Tan, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., & Zhou, X. (2016). Microalgae harvesting by an axial vibration membrane: The mechanism of mitigating membrane fouling. Journal of Membrane Science, 508, 127-135. (JCR一区)
6. Zhao, F., Chu, H., Tan, X., Yang, L., Su, Y., Zhou, X., ... & Zhang, Y. (2016). Using axial vibration membrane process to mitigate membrane fouling and reject extracellular organic matter in microalgae harvesting. Journal of Membrane Science, 517, 30-38. (JCR一区)
7. Zhao, F., Chu, H., Tan, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., Zhou, X., & Zhao, J. (2016). Comparison of axial vibration membrane and submerged aeration membrane in microalgae harvesting. Bioresource technology, 208, 178-183. (JCR一区)
8. Chu, H., Zhao, F., Tan, X., Yang, L., Zhou, X., Zhao, J., & Zhang, Y. (2016). The impact of temperature on membrane fouling in algae harvesting. Algal Research, 16, 458-464. (JCR一区)
9. Zhao, F., Tan, X., Zhang, Y., Chu, H., Yang, L., & Zhou, X. (2015). Effect of temperature on the conversion ratio of glucose to Chlorella pyrenoidosa cells: Reducing the cost of cultivation. Algal Research, 12, 431-435. (JCR一区)
10. Zhao, F., Su, Y., Tan, X., Chu, H., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., & Zhou, X. (2015). Effect of temperature on extracellular organic matter (EOM) of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and effect of EOM on irreversible membrane fouling. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 136, 431-439. (JCR一区)
11. Yang, L., Si, B., Tan, X., Chu, H., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, F. (2018). Integrated anaerobic digestion and algae cultivation for energy recovery and nutrient supply from post-hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater. Bioresource technology, 266, 349-356. (JCR一区)
12. Yang, L., Tan, X., Si, B., Zhao, F., Chu, H., Zhou, X., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Nutrients recycling and energy evaluation in a closed microalgal biofuel production system. Algal Research, 33, 399-405. (JCR一区)
13. Jiang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhao, F., Yu, Z., Zhou, X., & Chu, H. (2018). Impact of transmembrane pressure (TMP) on membrane fouling in microalgae harvesting with a uniform shearing vibration membrane system. Algal research, 35, 613-623. (JCR一区)
14. Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., Shen, Z., Zhao, F., & Zhao, J. (2016). Construction and application of the Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA in microbial contamination control in a coupled cultivation and wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 46, 174–181 (JCR一区)
15. Chu, H. Q., Tan, X. B., Zhang, Y. L., Yang, L. B., Zhao, F., & Guo, J. (2015). Continuous cultivation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa using anaerobic digested starch processing wastewater in the outdoors. Bioresource technology, 185, 40-48. (JCR一区)
16. Tan, X. B., Yang, L. B., Zhang, Y. L., Zhao, F., Chu, H. Q., & Guo, J. (2015). Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivation in outdoors using the diluted anaerobically digested activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 198, 340-350. (JCR一区)
17. Tan, X., Chu, H., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., Zhao, F., & Zhou, X. (2014). Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivation using anaerobic digested starch processing wastewater in an airlift circulation photobioreactor. Bioresource technology,170, 538-548. (JCR一区)
1. Fangchao Zhao, Huaqiang Chu, Xuefei Zhou, Yalei Zhang, The interaction forces between microalgae cells and membrane surface based on XDLVO theory in algae harvesting using axial vibration membrane, The 252nd ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2016.
1. 张亚雷 褚华强 周雪飞 赵方超 谭晓波 郭隽 任丽 张文文,一种可提高膜通量且可有效控制膜污染的轴向振动平板膜装置,授权 CN201610060274.9
2. 褚华强 张亚雷 赵方超 周雪飞 谭晓波 杨黎彬 蒋淑红,一种可稳定控制膜污染的等剪切振动膜装置,CN201710673851.6
1. 张亚雷,褚华强,周雪飞,苏鸿洋,《废水微藻资源化处理原理与技术》,科学出版社, 2015(参编)