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Yan Tan
发布人:任孔冰     时间:2022-10-31

Name: Yan Tan

Education: Ph.D. (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Major/Department: Environmental Engineering

Position: Associate Professor

Email: tanyan@qut.edu.cn

Employment track(工作履历)

2021.11—now, Associate Professor, School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology

2016.12—2017.07, Research Assistant, School of Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Professional Service (学术兼职)

1. Reviewer of Science of The Total Environment, Environmental Pollution and other SCI TOP journals.

Research field(研究领域)

1. Air pollution measurement and analysis

2. VOCs characterization and source apportionment

3. Catalytic oxidation of gaseous pollutants

Research project(科研项目)

2021.112024.11, Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of Qingdao University of Technology

2023.012025.12, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR202111290185)

Academic achievements(学术成果)

SCI Journal Paper

1. Tan, Y., Han S.W., Chen Y., Wu Z.B., Lee, S.C.*, 2023. Long-term variation and evaluation of air quality across Hong Kong. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 127: 284-294.

2. Tan, Y., Han, S.W., Chen, Y., Zhang Z.Z., Li, H.W., Li, W.Q., Yuan, Q., Li, X.W., Wang, T., Lee, S.C.*, 2021. Characteristics and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at a coastal site in Hong Kong. Science of The Total Environment, 777, 146241.

3. Tan, Y., Liu, C., Ho, K.F., Ma, Q.X., Lee, S.C.*, 2021. Characterization of an indoor environmental chamber and identification of C1–C4 OVOCs during isoprene ozonolysis. Indoor and Built Environment, 30, 554-564.

4. Chen Y.1, Tan Y.1 (Joint Author), Zheng P.G., Wang Z.*, Zou Z.X., Ho, K.F., Lee, S.C.*, Wang, T., 2022. Effect of NO2 on nocturnal chemistry of isoprene: Gaseous oxygenated products and secondary organic aerosol formation. Science of The Total Environment, 842: 156908.

5. Liu, T., Xiong, Z., Ni, P., Ma Z.Z., Tan, Y., Li, Z.S., Deng, S.N., Li, Y.C., Yang, Q.R., Zhang, H.W*, 2023. Review on adsorbents in elemental mercury removal in coal 1 combustion flue gas, smelting flue gas and natural gas. Chemical Engineering Journal.

6. Wang, X.Y., Zhang, Y.S.*, Tan, Y.R., Tan, Y., Bai, J.H., Gu, D.S., Ma Z.Z., Du, J.H., Han, Z.Y., Effects of light on the emissions of biogenic isoprene and monoterpenes: A review. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13, 101397.

7. Chen, Y., Zheng, P.G., Wang, Z.*, Pu, W., Tan, Y., Yu, C., Xia, M., Wang, W.H., Guo, J., Huang, D.D., Yan, C., Nie, W., Ling, Z.H., Chen, Q., Lee, S.C., Wang, T., 2021. Secondary Formation and Impacts of Gaseous Nitro-Phenolic Compounds in the Continental Outflow Observed at a Background Site in South China. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 6933–6943.

8. Lau, Y.S., Chan, M.N., Poon, H.Y., Tan, Y., Lee, S.C., Li, J.J., Ho, K.F.*, 2021. Chemical composition of gas and particle phase products of toluene photooxidation reaction under high OH exposure condition. Atmosphere, 12, 915.

9. Lyu, X.P., Guo, H.,* Yao, D.W., Lu, H.X., Huo, Y.X., Xu, W., Kreisberg, N., Goldstein, A.H., Jayne, J., Worsnop, D., Tan, Y., Lee, S.C., Wang, T., 2020. In Situ Measurements of Molecular Markers Facilitate Understanding of Dynamic Sources of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 11058-11069.

10. Zhang, Z.Z., Gao, Y., Yuan, Q., Tan, Y., Li, H.W., Cui, L., Huang, Y., Cheng, Y., Xiu, G.L., Lai, S.C., Chow, J.C., Watson, J.G., Lee, S.C.*, 2020. Effects of indoor activities and outdoor penetration on PM2.5 and associated organic/elemental carbon at residential homes in four Chinese cities during winter. Science of The Total Environment, 739, 139684.

11. Gong, H., Chu, W.,* Xu, K.H., Xia, X.J., Gong, H., Tan, Y., Pu, S.Y.*, 2020. Efficient degradation, mineralization and toxicity reduction of sulfamethoxazole under photo-activation of peroxymonosulfate by ferrate (VI). Chemical Engineering Journal, 389, 124084.

12. Li, H.W., Wang, D.F., Cui, L., Gao, Y., Huo, J., Wang, X., Zhang, Z.Z., Tan, Y., Huang, Y., Cao, J.J., Chow, J.C., Lee, S.C.*, Fu, Q.Y.*, 2020. Characteristics of atmospheric PM2.5 composition during the implementation of stringent pollution control measures in shanghai for the 2016 G20 summit. Science of the total environment, 648, 1121-1129.


1. Tan, Y., Han, S.W., Lee, S.C.* Walk-in Type Air Pollution Simulation Reaction Chamber. (HK Patent No. 16/608,152)

2. 李顺诚*;李欣蔚;李海玮;谈琰;张卓智,一种复合光催化材料在光催化降解甲醛中的应用(China Patent App, 202110649209.0.)

2019-2023 青岛理工大学环境与市政程学院 版权所有

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