著名结构声专家,主要从事噪声与振动控制研究,在水下声学材料与结构设计,管路流体脉动噪声耦合传播理论与主被动控制,湍流边界层与飞机座舱结构振动噪声耦合传递理论等方向取得显著成果。曾长期担任中国科学院噪声与振动重点实验室声学材料与结构研究方向学术带头人,负责完成的课题包括国家自然科学面上基金1项、国家973课题1项、中科院重大装备研制1项、国防项目10项和企业横向多项,累计经费4800余万元。发表各类学术论文80余篇,近5年发表论文SCI收录12篇,EI收录22篇,发明专利1项。其中发展的一种方法,应用于意大利Piaggio公司新研飞机湍流边界层脉动压力下壁板的噪声计算,与实际飞行测试数据吻合;建立的座舱壁板结构在扩散声场激励下的噪声传递计算模型,应用于分析商飞公司宽体客机壁板结构噪声传递的参数影响规律。这些成果主要发表在JSV,JASA等国际同类顶级学术期刊上,引起包括波音、NASA、TsAGI等国际同行的引用或关注。此外,他与Nilsson教授通过斯普林格出版了英文专著《Vibro-Acoustics》三卷(第二版),网站显示已下载了1.3万余次,产生了重要学术影响。兼任中国科学院大学岗位教授,浙江大学客座研究员等;曾兼任第21届国际声与振动大会科学委员会主席(2014),国际同类主要学术期刊《Applied Acoustics》副主编(2011-2015)。
1.A.C.Nilsson andB.Liu, VIBRO-ACOUSTICS, Vol. I, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
2.A.C.Nilsson andB.Liu, VIBRO-ACOUSTICS, Vol. II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
3.A.C.Nilsson andB.Liu,VIBRO-ACOUSTICS, Vol. III, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
1.B. Liu, L. Feng, A.C. Nilsson, M. Aversano. “Predicted and measured plate velocities induced by turbulent boundary layers”, J SOUND VIB. 331: 5309 –5325, 2012.
2.B.Liu, “Noise radiation of aircraft panels subjected to boundary layer pressure fluctuations”, J SOUND VIB. Vol.314, 693 –711, 2008.
3.B.Liu, L. Feng, and A.C. Nilsson, “Sound transmission through curved aircraft panels with stringer and ring frame attachments”. J SOUND VIB. Vol. 300, 949-973, 2007
1.D.Chang, F.Lu, W.Jin,B.Liu,“Low-frequency sound absorptive properties of double-layer perforated plate under grazing flow”, Applied Acoustics, 130: 115–123,2018.
2.D. Chang andB.Liu,“The modal coupling effect on the noise radiation of beams under different excitations”, NOISE CONTROL ENG J. 2017,To appear.
3.D.Li, D, Chang,B.Liu,“Enhanced low- to mid-frequency sound absorption using parallel arranged perforated plates with extended tubes and porous material” Applied Acoustics, 127: 316–323,2017.
4.B.Liu,Y. Jiang, D. Chang, “Sound transmission of a spherical sound wave through a finite plate”, J SOUND VIB. 410 : 209-216,2017.
5.D.Li, D.Chang,B.Liu, “A perforated panel sound absorber for low frequency”, ICSV22, Florence, Italy, 2017.
6.D. Li, D. Chang, B. Liu,“Enhancing the low frequency sound absorption of a perforated panel by parallel-arranged extended tubes”, Applied Acoustics 102(15): 126-132, 2016.
7.Y. Kou,B. Liu, D. Chang. “Radiation efficiency of damped plates under turbulent boundary layer excitation”, J. ACOUST SOC AM. 139(5): 2766-2771, 2016.
8.Z. Jin, Y. Yin,B. Liu. “Equivalent modulus method for finite element simulation of the sound absorption of anechoic coating backed with orthogonally rib-stiffened plate”, J SOUND VIB. 366: 357-371, 2016.
9.F.X. Fu, Z. Jin, Y. Yin,B. Liu. “Sound absorption of a rib-stiffened plate covered by anechoic coatings”, J. ACOUST SOC AM. 137(3), 2015.
10.Y. Kou,B. Liu,J. Tian. “Radiation efficiency of damped plates”, J. ACOUST SOC AM. 137(1): 1032-1035, 2015.
11.X.Wang,B.Liu, J,Yang, “Adaptive active broadband absorption pipeline system design” 8th international congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 1525-1529, 2015.
12.B. Liu, Z. Qian, H. Zhang, D. Chang, Q. Yan, W. Huang. “Influence of stiffeners on plate vibration and radiated noise excited by turbulent boundary layers”, Applied Acoustics80: 28–35, 2014.
13.Z. Qian, D. Chang,B.Liu, K. Liu. “Prediction of sound transmission loss for finite sandwich panels based on a test procedure on beam elements”, J VIB ACOUST. 135(6), 2013.